Masterton Mens Shed "In the Community, For the Community"


Some older hearts were pounding after this lift of four 8-seater picnic tables made at the Shed for Pirinoa School, in partnership with Juken New Zealand...

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Holiday  Programme

Each school holiday up to 70 kids attend the Masterton Mens Shed for some fun making things with some guidance from the Blokes at the Shed...

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Writers  Group

Yet another diversity in the range of activities available at the Mens Shed is this group, inspired by the desire to recall and capture life growing up...

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Masterton Mens Shed Gallery

"The place where Blokes can be Blokes together"

click on images to enlarge

AED and CPR Training

AED and CPR Training

AED and CPR Training

AED and CPR Training

ANZAC holiday programme

Barry Golding comes to visit

First Aid for Supervisors

Holiday programme - mini racers

Lakeview kids build wheel barrows

Lakeview kids making alphabet shapes...

Making Hot Cross buns by the score

One of many things a bloke can do...

WW1 Crosses of Remembrance

Redwood to behold

Need some help, or just good company

JNL and Mens Shed help Pirinoa School

Outstanding adult learning in the Shed

Everybody volunteered for a blood test

Time out

A good tale was told

3D chess in the making

The all important preparation

Blokes doing what blokes do

Konrad performs a knee replacement

Featherston & Henley blokes...

Crosses of Remembrance project

Toolbox making...

2015 national Shedders Ramble

Gift  Vouchers

Wives, sons, daughters can involve that special man in their life at the Masterton Mens Shed by giving him an introductory gift voucher...

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Members receive email newsletters, alerting everybody to events members may wish to participate in, or lend a hand with a project...

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Shed Apparel

What the best dressed Blokes at the Shed are wearing out and about. Now available to purchase by members of the Masterton Mens Shed...

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